Welcome to the Stealth Servant Site! Hopefully your life has been touched for the better, even if in a very small way. Now it is time to return the favor. If you were given a "www.stealthservant.com" card, we would love for you to participate with us by doing a couple of things.

1) Let us know something nice that happened to you by posting a comment here or send an e-mail to "stealthservant@gmail.com".

2) Do something nice for someone and pass the card to someone else.

Also! If you have done something nice for someone else post it here.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Free Rent for Christmas!

I own a duplex and there are a couple of recently divorced single moms living there.  I know that the transition has been a struggle and they have had some other problems which have made this year a tough one for them financially.  My family has been blessed enough to be able to tell them to keep their rent checks for the second half of December.  Its not much, but I know that it certainly helped reduce the financial strain of the Christmas season for their families.  I could certainly tell from their e-mailed responses that I made their day (and mine too.)

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Free $5 Footlong

Just wanted to submit a quick and easy one I did today:

I paid for my Subway sandwich and left $5 for the next person who came in.  I hope they enjoy their free $5 Footlong!


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Free Haircut

I was at GreatClips the other day and I decided to buy an extra hair cut for the attendant to give to someone that she thought might need a little help.   The attendant seemed genuinely thankful and it occurred to me that even after paying for my haircut and the extra one, I was still spending way less on a haircut than my wife.  When I walked out, I felt pretty good about myself because I had a new haircut and I had hopefully made someone's day, all for only 14 extra bucks!

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