Welcome to the Stealth Servant Site! Hopefully your life has been touched for the better, even if in a very small way. Now it is time to return the favor. If you were given a "www.stealthservant.com" card, we would love for you to participate with us by doing a couple of things.

1) Let us know something nice that happened to you by posting a comment here or send an e-mail to "stealthservant@gmail.com".

2) Do something nice for someone and pass the card to someone else.

Also! If you have done something nice for someone else post it here.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Thanks for the support

Since launching this site after work yesterday, I have spoken to several folks about this and your response has been encouraging to me.  I have already done a small thing today; I paid for the person behind me at the McDonald's drive through this morning, turns out she only had coffee so it only cost me $1.27 to brighten her day (and the drive through attendant liked it too).

A couple of points:
1)  I don't want this site to be about me, I want it to be about everyone doing good things for other people.
2)  Eventually I would like to have a couple of lists, one with ideas for helping others and one listing things that have been done as a result of this site.
3)  I am thinking of having some nondescript cards printed that could be handed out or "left a the scene" to let them know that they have been "served" and hopefully inspire them to "pay it forward".

Have a great day!

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