Welcome to the Stealth Servant Site! Hopefully your life has been touched for the better, even if in a very small way. Now it is time to return the favor. If you were given a "www.stealthservant.com" card, we would love for you to participate with us by doing a couple of things.

1) Let us know something nice that happened to you by posting a comment here or send an e-mail to "stealthservant@gmail.com".

2) Do something nice for someone and pass the card to someone else.

Also! If you have done something nice for someone else post it here.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Cards are Starting to Move!

We have had several requests for "www.stealthservant.com" cards from friends and co-workers and now we have had several requests via e-mail at "stealthservant@gmail.com".  This is awesome!  In the future we may  have way for folks to make their own cards, but for now it is my pleasure to send them out through the mail.  Don't forget to tell us the your stories.  Thanks!

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