Welcome to the Stealth Servant Site! Hopefully your life has been touched for the better, even if in a very small way. Now it is time to return the favor. If you were given a "www.stealthservant.com" card, we would love for you to participate with us by doing a couple of things.

1) Let us know something nice that happened to you by posting a comment here or send an e-mail to "stealthservant@gmail.com".

2) Do something nice for someone and pass the card to someone else.

Also! If you have done something nice for someone else post it here.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Veteran's Day Surprise

We noticed a veteran that we know having dinner at a local restaurant on Veteran's Day.  While at the restaurant we purchased a gift card to the restaurant to give to someone else.  We left the restaurant and were getting into our car when I mentioned to my husband that we should leave the gift card for the veteran.  My husband said he was thinking the same thing!  I went back in and gave the server the gift card and a "Stealth Servant" card and asked that he give them to the veteran.  It made us feel really good to do it, our only regret was that we didn't get to see the look on his face when he got the card.


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